About Liftya
LIFTYA is a unique personalized shoulder assisting device, which provides ‘stability with motion’, whilst reducing pain to patients.
LIFTYA is designed with the intent to:
(1) preserve the Range of Motion,
(2) alleviate pressure from the shoulder joint,
(3) increase independent living, by allowing the patient to put on and remove the brace
on their own to perform daily activities.
I worked with this problem for many year and currently no solutions are
available…until now when I saw this device

‘...Liftya has been designed with two goals in mind: get patients to use their arm
again, and support physiotherapists to accelerate rehabilitation. It’s a powerful
synergy trio…’

…ground-breaking and gives hope that in the future it will be possible to help
people with serious shoulder problems
Søren VillumsenPhysiotherapist